High workload? Get a robot!
Employees in education and care experience a high workload due to administrative burdens.The emerging robot technology RPA offers opportunities to alleviate this.
Healthcare and education are burdened by high work pressure.In health care, 85 percent of employees suffer from staff shortages every day.In secondary education,79 percent of teachers experience a high workload.The water is so pleasing to the teachers that they have taken action.
The call for more money and more people is heard in both care and education.That is understandable, but not the only way to solve this.Another solution is robotization. you have read correctly: robotization.I think robot technology can seriously alleviate the high workload among teachers and nurses.
Software Boot
It feels weird, the idea of a robot in education or care.After all, these are pre-eminently human sectors.You’d say you don’t leave work in care and education to algorithms, steel and plastic.I am therefore not arguing for robots to take over the real work of a teacher or caregiver.I am concerned with RPA, robot technology that can help alleviate all kinds of additional tasks.
(RPA) Robotic Process Automation.That is software that takes your work off your hands.You describe to the robot ‘how it should be done’ and then this ‘electronic employee’ takes over from you.Think of those pianos that play a tune fully automatically.Or a system that dims the lights at the push of a button, lights the gas fire and turns on appropriate music for a romantic evening at home.
RPA offers possibilities to automate administrative tasks.That is what education and health care would be helped with.
In education, the heavy tasks seem to lead to a decline in quality the education inspectorate reports that the performance of the students has deteriorated over the past twenty years.We spend too much of our time on things that don’t help our customers.What are we doing anyway?
Of course, RPA is not a panacea against all administrative burdens.A prerequisite for success is that the process to be robotized often occurs and is clearly definable.This includes: processing registrations, saving exam results (and communicating) or sending prescription requests.Or tasks such as registering (and communicating) daily recurring data about patients, reading and processing invoices or automatically checking patient files or data from students.
Increase quality
A robotic process has important advantages.It saves time and generally contains fewer errors.In addition, the administration of important information can also lead to a higher quality of information and thus to the targeted improvement of methods.So the knife cuts both ways: with RPA you can reduce work pressure and increase the quality of care and education.
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